Spiritual Voices and Eclectic Muse Online Newsletters Calendar of Publications
Spiritual Voices is published quarterly, on the solstices. Please give us an extra day or two to
get the newsletter converted into an html document and to make sure all
the links work for your convenience. Thank you.
Deadlines for both Spiritual Voices and Eclectic Muse are three weeks before
publication. For submission guidelines, please e-mail me at: Graehawke. Submissions may also be e-mailed to me.
- Spring: Ostara - March 22
- Summer: Midsummer - June 22
- Autumn: Mabon - September 22
- Winter: Yule - December 22
Eclectic Muse is published on the cross quarters. Again we ask that you give
us an extra day or two to make sure everything is as it should be.
- Spring: Beltaine - May 1
- Summer: Lughnasadh - August 2
- Autumn: Samhain - October 31
- Winter: Imbolg - February 2
� 1999 Webmistress